Saturday, January 05, 2008

In New Hampshire

I'm watching the debates tonight from the Current TV storefront here in Manchester, NH. I'm up here to see the retail politics of the New Hampshire primary up close. Today, I saw Huckabee, Kucinich and Bill Clinton. I was just interviewed by Joan Walsh of, and I 'came out' as a supporter of Hillary Clinton. I am ready to embrace her as the nominee. The right wing echo chamber is going to play dirty against our nominee, and I am convinced that Senator Clinton is our best hope to defeat them and put a progressive in the White House.
I'll write more later about my experience up here, but I could not pass up a post from this unique venue sponsored by Current TV. There are multiple TV screens here and iMacs and interested folks watching. They also have a little production booth here for citizens to video their thoughts to be posted on the site. (Here's a sample one by Ms. Walsh herself).

The trip up here was neat, I took a flight from LaGuardia. Had Bill Schneider from CNN and GOP Rep. Peter King on the prop plane with me. Saw Tom Brokaw and George Stephanopolous at the gates. Downtown Manchester is chock full of campaign workers, signs, media ... it's all here.

My good friend Chuck put together this excursion, he brought his wonderful 12 yr old daughter up to New Hampshire for her first taste of politics, and she was great, asking Mitt Romney a serious question about torture at a Q&A on Friday.

Saw Gov. Huckabee at an event with Chuck Norris and his much younger wife in the morning:

After the debate, went to the Clinton 'afterparty' and got to see and hear the Clinton's up close:

and I got to chat with Chelsea and she was kind enough to pose for a photo:

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