Friday, July 06, 2007

Will "Bloomberg's Folly" elect another GOP President?

Having observed Mike Bloomberg from just across the river for his entire political career, I have a hard time believing he will run for President just for the ego trip and his need to get rid of large sums of money.
He will have to beleive he can win.
Well, the Times recently profiled the guy who is working on that.
The article mentions that this guy, Kevin Skeekey (who has done a great job for Bloomberg so far, really) has an associate, Korrine Kubena, who just became a top aide to Karl Rove.
Now it starts to come together! Here comes Rove again, with a way to insure another GOP victory: get a liberal to run a third party campaign (preferably someone with billions to spend), siphon off a large chunk of votes from the Democratic nominee (20%?) and presto: President President Fred Thomson!
Rove must be chortling and rubbing his hands together in finest evil guy fashion. Bloomberg's possible ambitions present a much more promising scenario than getting Ralph Nader to run again in the hopes of a Florida-redux.
I can only hope that Mayor Bloomberg comes to his senses. Does he have any relationship with the Clintons? Perhaps Bill needs to pay him a visit and urge him to spare the nation another idiot President ala Bush.

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