Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day 1 in Denver for the DNC/ Some Photos from Day 2

Denver has really rolled out the red carpet for the DNC, and the city looks great! The logistics and security are a bear, but that is the world we live in today.

Said hello to Gov. Kaine of VA (we have a mutial friend). I was struck by how very different his life would be right now if he had been tapped for VP:

Also chatted briefly with the gregarious Ed Rendell, Gov. of PA. I told him he was doing a good job giving voice to those of us who supported Hillary and are loyal Democrats:

Much more to say, exhaustion setting in after a long day of travel and no sleep . . .

DAY TWO: some photo highlights


Anonymous said...

Say, "Hi" to Gov. Timmy! for me. (On second thought, you might not want to. I heard he doesn't like me very much.)

Hope you're enjoying Denver, Joe!

Anonymous said...

Where's Day 2?