Thursday, April 03, 2008

The MSM beats the drum of Clinton's 'improbability'

Great column on the RealClearPolitics site written by Fromma Harrop about how the Media have embraced the idea that Hillary has virtually 'no chance' of winning the nomination:

The latest collapse started some days ago on what is normally a four-star destination for good journalism, PBS's "NewsHour." The news summary started off with this: "Clinton's fellow Democrat in the Senate, Patrick Leahy of Vermont, today urged her to leave the race for the good of the party."

The "fellow Democrat" also happened to be one of Barack Obama's most ardent supporters, but whoops, they forget to mention that. For days even mainstream media were portraying Leahy, Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd and other members of the Obama team as "elders" thinking only of the party.

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