Wednesday, July 25, 2007

So, it's come to this. Anyone surprised?

Last Friday, the Washington Post published a story discussing Senator Clinton's cleavage.

Keeping tabs on how the MSM (mainstream media) treats the first woman to be a major party frontrunner could be a full time job, and would probably drive me nuts.

During Monday night's CNN YouTube Debate, Anderson Cooper let a 'regular American' do the dirty work for him and ask how the leaders of Muslim nations, where "women are second class citizens", are going to take a woman president seriously during things like diplomacy and negotiations (Ask Madaleine Albright about that, who as Secretary of State actually did the job. And yes, I did not mention Condoleeza Rice).

And, if you like to read about candidate wardrobe (remember the stuff about Al Gore's earthtones in 2000?), the NY Times weighs in.

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