Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What Happened to Camille Paglia??

Camille Paglia has lost it.
Have you been reading Camille Paglia's columns on Salon? Seriously, I ignored the early critics of these columns as rants from haters, but now I see for myself . . . can Ms. Paglia still consider herself a feminist? Where does all this hate come from? I think we on the left need to stop paying attention to people like this (she is on her way to becoming Christopher Hitchens!) Can you imagine how the world would change if we elected a woman president? Yet, here she is foaming with hatred for Hillary. Al Gore has done so much to advance the issue of global warming, but here she is, not only insisting he ought not run for president, but accusing Gore of HARMING the environmental movement?!?!? Yeah, because it was going so well before his book and movie. Did Exxon and Halliburton send flowers, gifts or cash in thanks? "Basta", enough, as my nonna would say.

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